Provides full technical services for histology and morphological investigations.

This facility supports experimental biology throughout the Washington University research community. The core is staffed by two experienced, board-certified histotechnologists. The primary mission of this core is to provide services designed to create histologic slides from tissues for analysis.

The source of tissue can be virtually any model experimental system (mice, zebrafish, etc).

For expert users, the facility provides equipment to paraffin embed and section fixed material. The facility can stain the resulting slides to the specifications of the user. Routine histochemical dyes (e.g., H&E, Masson Trichrome) are available, as well as additional specialty stains. Unstained slides can be ordered.  Frozen sections from OCT embedded material can also be produced by this facility. For less experienced users, the core will provide assistance on handling tissue for optimal processing (these questions are welcomed!).

Core Staff

Marina Platik
Senior Histology Technician

Kathleen Lutker
Histology Technician II